Equipo proyectado para realizar ejercicios de refuerzo con resistencia para las extremidades superiores e inferiores.
Los ejercicios se pueden realizar en todas las direcciones, ya sea sentados o parados y con varios pesos variables.
RehaRunner ergometers - Introduction - For stress test - For rehabilitation - For sport and fitness - Motion ergometers - Cycle 200 ergometer - Stationary bikes - Rowing machines and steppers - For upper limbs - Wide range of exercises with ROTA™ - The ROTA™ device - Multifunction rehabilitation chair - The ARTI REHAB™ device - Bands and tubes - Weights - Muscular strengthening
Brochure, Ed. Dec. 2023, English. 32 pages.
ARCHIMEDES™ system - introduction - Pulley therapy frames - Wall frames - Ceiling frames - 2-sides frames - Self-supporting frames - Additional equipment - Straps and supports - Handles - Other tools - Sets of tools - ERCOLINA™ - POLIERCOLINA™ - Archimedes exercise guide - GPS Therapeutic pathways
Brochure, Ed. April 2024, English. 36 pages.